关于「 atkins」的内容列表

Trump's nominee for SEC chairperson, Paul Atkins, will be given a Senate hearing next week

Paul Atkins, the nominee for chairperson of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), will appear before the Senate Banking Committee on March 27 for a confirmation hearing. If passed, the full Senate will hold a final vote. Atkins, a former SEC commissioner and proponent of digital assets, previously founded a financial compliance consulting firm in Washington. He is expected to continue the pro-crypto regulatory stance pushed by the Trump administration, succeeding former SEC chairperson Gary ...

2025-03-20 22:33:29
特朗普提名的SEC主席人选Paul Atkins将于下周接受参议院听证

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席提名人 Paul Atkins 将于 3 月 27 日出席参议院银行委员会确认听证会,若获通过,全体参议院将进行最终投票。Atkins 曾任 SEC 委员,是数字资产的支持者,此前在华盛顿创办金融合规咨询公司。他预计将延续特朗普政府推动的亲加密监管立场,接替前 SEC 主席 Gary Gensler,后者因对加密行业采取“执法式监管”...

2025-03-20 22:33:29
The US Senate is scheduled to hold a hearing on Paul Atkins' eligibility to serve as SEC chairperson on March 27

A U.S. Senate committee hearing will take place on March 27, and Paul Atkins may be one step closer to becoming the new crypto-friendly chair of the Securities Exchange Commission. President Donald Trump nominated Atkins to lead the SEC on December 4, but his marriage to the billionaire family is said to have caused problems with financial disclosures, leading to a delay in his potential appointment date. Although it is not clear whether the White House has submitted the relevant documents to th...

2025-03-18 00:48:21
美参议院定于3月27日就Paul Atkins出任SEC主席的任职资格举行听证会

美国参议院委员会听证会将于3月27日举行,Paul Atkins可能离成为美国证券交易委员会新任加密货币友好主席更近一步。美国总统特朗普于12月4日提名Atkins领导SEC,但他与亿万富翁家族的婚姻关系据称在财务披露方面引发了问题,导致其潜在上任日期被推迟。 虽然尚不清楚白宫是否已向参议院提交了相关文件,但据Semafor的Eleano...

2025-03-18 00:48:21
Morning News List of important developments overnight on December 5

21:00-7:00 Keywords: Meitu, Paul Atkins, Coinbase, Hut 8 1. BTC breaks through $98,500. 2. Putin: Bitcoin and digital assets will continue to develop. 3. Trump has selected Paul Atkins as the chairperson of the SEC. Meitu sold approximately 31,000 Ethereum and 940 Bitcoin. 5. Powell: Bitcoin's competitor is gold, not the dollar. 6. Coinbase adds GIGA and TURBO to its first coin roadmap. 7. Bitcoin miner Hut 8 announced the launch of a $500 million ATM program and a $250 million share repurchase ...

2024-12-04 23:29:46

21:00-7:00关键词:美图、Paul Atkins、Coinbase、Hut 8 1.BTC突破98500美元; 2.普京:比特币和数字资产将继续发展; 3.特朗普选择Paul Atkins担任美SEC主席; 4.美图公司出售约31,000个以太坊和940个比特币; 5.鲍威尔:比特币的竞争对手是黄金,而不是美元; 6.Coinbase 将 GIGA 和 TURBO 添加至上币路线图; 7.比特币矿企Hut 8宣布启动5亿美元ATM计划和2.5亿美元股票回购计划。

2024-12-04 23:29:46
Sources: Paul Atkins wants Republican commissioners Hester Peirce and Mark Uyeda to lead crypto policy

According to sources, SEC chairperson nominee Paul Atkins recently expressed his desire to have Republican commissioner Hester Peirce (known as "crypto mom") lead crypto policy with her Republican colleague Mark Uyeda. It is reported that Peirce wants to lead an internal crypto working group that will reassess the agency's approach to digital assets and open a public dialogue with the industry. Peirce's term ends in June, and it is unclear whether she wants to return to her current position.

2024-12-04 18:43:08
消息人士:Paul Atkins希望让共和党委员Hester Peirce与Mark Uyeda领导加密政策

据消息人士透露,美SEC主席提名人Paul Atkins最近表示希望让共和党委员Hester Peirce(人称“加密妈妈”)与她的共和党同事Mark Uyeda一起领导加密政策。 据悉,Peirce希望领导一个内部加密工作组,该工作组将重新评估该机构对数字资产的态度,并与行业展开公开对话。Peirce的任期将于6月结束,目前尚不清楚她是否希望再...

2024-12-04 18:43:08
Trump has nominated Paul Atkins as chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Trump has nominated Paul Atkins as chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2024-12-04 17:50:22
特朗普提名保罗·阿特金斯(Paul Atkins)为美国证交会主席。

特朗普提名保罗·阿特金斯(Paul Atkins)为美国证交会主席。

2024-12-04 17:50:22
Trump nominates Paul Atkins as SEC chairperson

Trump has nominated Paul Atkins as chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2024-12-04 17:51:40
特朗普提名Paul Atkins为美SEC主席

特朗普提名保罗·阿特金斯(Paul Atkins)为美国证交会主席。

2024-12-04 17:51:40
Sources: Trump has contacted Paul Atkins as SEC chairperson and is waiting for his acceptance

Mr. Trump chose Paul Atkins as chairperson of the Securities Exchange Commission and has contacted Mr. Atkins and is awaiting his acceptance, according to people familiar with the matter. A spokesperson for Mr. Atkins did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Previously, sources said that Trump's nominee for SEC chairperson, Paul Atkins, was unwilling to accept the position.

2024-12-03 22:37:38
消息人士:特朗普已联系Paul Atkins担任SEC主席,正在等其接受

消息人士透露,特朗普选择Paul Atkins担任美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席,并已经联系了Atkins,正在等待其接受。Atkins的发言人没有立即回应置评请求。 此前消息人士表示,特朗普提名的SEC主席人选Paul Atkins不愿接受该职位。

2024-12-03 22:37:38
1. Cryptocurrency supporter Atkins has become a popular candidate for SEC chairperson. 2. Options data show: Bitcoin reaches 100,000 before the end of the year...

1. Cryptocurrency supporter Atkins has become a popular candidate for SEC chairperson. 2. Options data shows that there is a 50% chance that Bitcoin will reach $100,000 by the end of the year. 3. Nominations for ministers in the new Trump administration are completed, and more than 5 are "coin speculators". 4. US Treasury report: Low-income households are using cryptocurrency proceeds to apply for mortgages to buy houses. 5. Stablecoin trading volume has soared to $1.80 trillion so far in Novemb...

2024-11-28 02:50:03

7x24 快讯

09:06 2025-03-24
币安将上线 BEAMX/USDC 和 VANA/USDC 现货交易对
据官方消息,币安将于2025年03月25日16:00(东八区时间)上线 BEAMX/USDC 和 VANA/USDC 现货交易对。
09:00 2025-03-24
据 ai_9684xtpa 监测,曾在 3 月 12 日低点做空 5000 枚 ETH 的巨鲸于 4 小时前清仓割肉,亏损 48.9 万美元。他在 ETH 跌至 1917 美元时从 Aave 抵押 USDT 并借出 5000 枚进行做空操作,随后 ETH 持续震荡上涨 5%,终于在四小时前大盘反弹时选择了割肉,以 2015 美元买回了所有 ETH 并还款。
08:54 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,IntoThe Block发文称,比特币的价格正在反弹,但短期持有者仍未回归。目前短期持有者数量仅为253万,低于1月的306万,交易者活动依然低迷。此处若出现上升,可能是一个对比特币重新产生兴趣的早期信号。
08:45 2025-03-24
Binance Alpha新增BUBB和AGON
Binance Alpha宣布新增Bubb (BUBB)和AGON Agent (AGON)的合约地址,但这并不代表官方上线。
08:41 2025-03-24
1inch 团队投资基金抛售总价值约 433 万美元的 WBTC 和 ETH
据链上分析师余烬监测,1inch 团队投资基金在过去 1 小时内抛售了大量加密资产,包括以 86,578 美元价格售出 37.9 枚 WBTC(约 328 万美元)和以 2,072 美元价格售出 511 枚 ETH(约 105 万美元)。
08:29 2025-03-24
08:17 2025-03-24
纳斯达克上市比特币矿企Argo任命前Arkon Energy高管Justin Nolan担任CEO
纳斯达克上市比特币矿企Argo Blockchain宣布任命前Arkon Energy高管Justin Nolan担任首席执行官,市场分析认为本次更换CEO或因Argo一直面临着严峻的经营环境有关,该公司此前为避免破产已出售位于德克萨斯州的Helios矿场。
08:11 2025-03-24
DWF Labs宣布推出规模为2.5亿美元的流动基金Liquid Fund
DWF Labs宣布推出规模为2.5亿美元的流动基金Liquid Fund,该基金将提供战略资本和生态系统支持,确保推动现实世界采用并有助于促进行业变革的中型和大型代币项目的可持续增长,据悉该基金对每个项目的投资规模从 1000 万美元到 5000 万美元不等。
07:53 2025-03-24
Berachain 推出“流动性证明”系统,启动治理阶段
基于 EVM 的 Layer 1 区块链 Berachain 将于今日推出其流动性证明(Proof-of-Liquidity,PoL)系统,标志着其链上治理第一阶段的正式启动。该 PoL 系统旨在分散 Berachain 治理代币 BGT 的供应,以实现链上治理。首批实施将在特定 DeFi 流动性池中进行,Berachain 开发者表示,他们计划在初始 DEX 池之外添加新的奖励金库。 Ber...
07:47 2025-03-24
据链上数据分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,本期币安新币挖矿NIL的USDC挖矿资金相较上一期增长了8.16亿枚,增幅41.4%。币安这期新币挖矿的USDC质押池累计奖励350万枚NIL(占总奖励池的10%),按照Bybit $NIL盘前价格0.8654美元估算,则每万枚USDC可挖到10.8美元等值的代币,年化约为13.2%。 作为融合了「AI+Depin+L1+隐私」几个大火概念的老牌项目,按照盘前价格估算的FDV有8.65亿美元,上线市值为1...
07:38 2025-03-24
美联储宣布放缓缩表后比特币自83000美元下方反弹逾5%,短暂突破87000美元。QCP Capital分析师指出交易者情绪正在转多,因为看涨期权变得更加昂贵,或者出现了比看跌期权更高的需求,这与本周早些时候的情况形成了对比。不过Amberdata衍生品总监Greg Magadini认为宏观不确定性仍存,期权偏度可能再度转向看跌。(注:所谓“偏度”,即期权市场的看跌/看涨期权波动率差值Skew)。
07:35 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,据Velo Protocol分析,2025年RWA板块表现强劲,年内增长237%,总市值翻倍至190亿美元,主要受私人信贷推动,持有者数量和活跃度均创历史新高。同时,稳定币总价值达到2250亿美元。截至2025年3月24日,市值前五的RWA包括: BlackRock的$BUIDL,约15亿美元(最大RWA)Hashnote的$USYC(2025年被Circle收购),约8亿美元Tether Gold的$XAUT,约7.5亿美元Franklin OnChain的$BENJI,约7亿美元Paxos Go...